Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I really enjoyed doing this program. My favorite discovery was the Avators, I had so much fun putting her together. This program has helped me discover new things that I never new was out there on the web. I have found some sites that have become a favorite of mine, You Tube for one. I found some of the things I had to do difficult to do on my own, and I don't have time to do them at work. If there could be a way to make it easier to do some of the harder things with someone at work that knows how to do them and make that part of the work schedule. Yes, I would love to participate in another discovery program if one is offered in the future.
I would say that most of the things on this program were fun and easy to do, one or two were hard, but on the whole this was a great learning experience.

1 comment:

IrmBrown said...

Congrats on finishing. I'm so glad you enjoyed the experience and found it useful. Hope you'll try your hand at blogging in the future ... and/or using some of the other hands-on tools. Glad you like YouTube... it's clearly the most fun to me too. ;-)